Thursday, May 01, 2008

The state of the garden on the first of May

So, forced by the cats' depredations, we set everything still resembling a plant out into the garden about 2 weeks ago, hoping that we could save something out of the wreck. By the time we got the planting started, though, the seed starter looked like an army had marched through, so I wasn't too optimistic.

And now? The peas are doing great - they seem to love the new beds and the outdoors. Everything else, not so much. The pumpkins (all 3 of them), caved quickly to the temperature, followed by the cucumbers and the beans - and I really did think beans were fonder than that of the cold. So we'll have to replant in those areas, but honestly, the prospect of limiting the pumpkin crop to a single plant makes me happier than having to deal with 3 of them.

In the meantime, I'd also planted onions (not that we use onions all that much, but I just want to see how they work out), corn, carrots, spinach, leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, and bibb lettuce. The onions appear to be happy, and the spinach and lettuces are starting to surface, since they like the cold (good thing, too - it's May 1st, and the high today is supposed to be 39 - it's snowing right now.)

I think we have rabbits, too - well, something with teeth. Whatever they are, they have odd eating habits, because they keep biting through the blue nylon cord I'm trying to use to mark off the square-feet in the raised beds. I've done one repair already, and they repeated the attack. I think I'm going to go out and get some lightweight wire or something. If they start eating that, I won't worry about them eating the veg, since they're obviously alien rabbits.

Put in some potatoes yesterday - we had some in a bag from the grocery store that had sprouted, so I threw them in. Another crop I've never tried, and I've already been assured by the garden guy in the paper that they probably won't work, but I want to see what happens.

I hope the heat-loving crops start sprouting soon. I ran out of markers while I was planting, and am not altogether sure which of my squares are planted, and which are available. Oops.

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