Wednesday, May 07, 2008

You know, sprinkler water is COLD!

Probably an entry my husband should write, since he's the one who opened the garage door at the wrongest possible moment last night when we were trying to get a new sprinkler head installed to water in the correct direction. Suffice it to say that it wasn't quite there yet. After he changed into dry clothes, we finished up. All it got on me was my knee.

I think we have all the most obvious sprinkler head issues fixed now, and we were all set to turn it back on. Of course, we woke up to thunder (avoiding the impulse to say "the sound of thunder", since I don't actually like Bob Seger all that much), and it bids fair to be rainy all day, so we turned it off just as cycle 1 was building up pressure this morning.

We still have a few miscellaneous leaks to hunt down in our drip stuff - seems like everything loosens up and all the O-rings shrink over the winter - but the pansies are thriving and the place is starting to look a bit more cared for.

On the veg front - I went out to check this morning and the corn is suffering from ongoing devastation. But the green and purple beans are starting to come up.

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